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About Heisenware

Empowering SMBs to digitalize

This is Heisenware

Heisenware is more than just a Hamburg-based low-code company. We are driving the industry of the future by supporting small and medium-sized business in compensating for a lack of IT experts and software expertise. This is the only way for SMBs to master digitalization and remain innovative and internationally competitive.

about us

Our story

From the experience that connectivity and app development in companies is often unnecessarily complicated, our mission emerged: to create a simple and modern solution. Through numerous projects with small and medium-sized businesses, we developed our low-code platform, empowering non-software developers to create tailored and highly integrated apps.
Today, companies in manufacturing, craftsmanship and services use Heisenware to drive their digitization efforts efficiently. Our platform revolutionizes app development, offering a user-friendly solution for complex tasks. With a growing team dedicated to continuous improvement, we remain committed to our vision: making digitization accessible and efficient for every company.


Co-Founder & CEO






Senior Frontend Engineer



Software Engineer

Thank you!

Supporters and memberships

The IFB Innovationsstarter Program has significantly facilitated our startup journey. We are very grateful for this support and maintain a close connection with IFB. Our participation in the GATEWAY49 Accelerator and the resulting contacts in Northern Germany have propelled us forward decisively. As part of AI.STARTUP.HUB, we leverage valuable networks and opportunities to optimize the use of AI in our products. Thanks to the Open Industry 4.0 Alliance, we not only remain compatible with the latest standards but also actively contribute to shaping them, benefiting from exchanges with approximately 100 other companies.

Heisenware on your ears

Einfach Komplex Podcast

Our German-language podcast provides bi-weekly insights into the basics and applications of software, hardware and IT. Whether you're an expert or a beginner, our aim is for you to take away applicable knowledge and feel entertained as well.





Ready to experience Heisenware in action?

After your personal demo, you'll receive onboarding and a free two-week trial.