Create an App Without Coding: How Easy Is It Really? Your Basic Guide!

The fact is that in many companies, certain processes run more sluggishly than necessary. At least when you consider that digitization could easily provide relief in many cases. One possible solution: with an app, many operations could be made more efficient. Of course, we’re not talking about the latest version of Candy Crush for your smartphone, but rather software applications that you can use over the internet—like Progressive Web Apps, for example.

But the fact is also that there’s a great deal of uncertainty around this topic in many companies. Doesn’t creating such an app require coding skills or expensive professionals? As a result, the opportunities are often overlooked. But we also have good news: creating an app without coding is more than just an empty marketing slogan. In this guide, we’ll show you how it works and what you need to pay attention to.

Can I create an app without coding?

Yes, it’s possible to create an app without coding – for example, by using low-code and no-code platforms. With these platforms, app development without code is possible because the functionalities are packaged into movable graphical elements called nodes, which you can assemble into an app as needed. In a business context, we’re not only talking about classic smartphone apps but rather internet-based software applications that should be usable on both mobile devices and desktop PCs.

Many paths lead to an app: 3 options you should know

We already hinted above that you can create your own app without coding. However, this is not the only option to get an application. So let’s take a quick step back and give you an overview of how you can approach creating a custom app:

  • Coding it yourself: To code an app, you or your engineering team need a solid understanding of the common programming languages to write the code yourself. Pre-built frameworks and software libraries can be a good starting point, as they provide solid and proven basics to build upon.

  • Hiring developers: If your company lacks coding skills, time, or personnel resources, you can have an app developed. There are numerous external providers who often rely on pre-built frameworks because they offer an excellent foundation. Some service providers also exclusively use low-code platforms for app development.

  • Using a builder tool: If you want to create an app without coding, low-code and no-code platforms are a great choice. With these app builders, you can put together an application step by step without writing a single line of code.

With these three options, your path to an app is clear. When making a choice, you should weigh your company’s needs against its internal IT capabilities and budget. To create an app without coding, a low-code builder can be an excellent solution, especially if autonomy, quick results, and cost efficiency are important to you.

On the other hand, if you don’t have time to handle the app development yourself and the cost factor is less of a concern, hiring external developers may be the better option. In this case, your requirements should be as clear and specific as possible to ensure you get exactly the product that helps you the most.

However, if you have the necessary time and a clear vision for your app or the app’s logic, you can work towards the optimal result with low-code. Keep in mind, though, that as a non-developer, you should expect a learning curve. But this also offers you the chance to acquire new skills. Plus, you can continuously test your app to ensure that everything is headed in the right direction.

Step by Step: How difficult is it to create your own app?

Above, we explained why and in which cases low-code can be the tool of choice to create an app without programming knowledge. With a well-thought-out concept and clear structures, our guide will bring you step by step closer to developing a custom app without coding.

You should also know that, in many cases, you’ll be working with Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) rather than native smartphone or desktop applications. What is a Progressive Web App? Simply put, it’s a hybrid between a native app and a responsive website, which runs on web technology but incorporates features of native apps. Creating a Progressive Web App is perfectly doable without coding.

We’ll show you how to proceed and what to keep in mind using our low-code solution as an example:

Step 1: What tasks and processes should the user be able to complete with the app?

This guiding question lays the most important foundation for your app. You need to think about which tasks the app should fulfill and how they can be implemented with as few clicks as possible. Our tip: conduct interviews with team members who are most familiar with the relevant processes. The insights you gather from these interviews will form the basic structure of the app.

If the process you want to map in the app doesn’t yet exist, it’s best to design the desired flow first. You can go the traditional route with pen and paper, or capture your thoughts on the app's workflow using a tool like Canva.

Step 2: What should the data model look like?

If the future app will contain relational data, meaning data that is interdependent, you’ll need to design a data model. Since data is the fuel for your app, this model must be well thought out. The rule of thumb is: the more complex the data model, the more tables the database will need. You’ll then have to establish meaningful relationships between these tables.

Need an example? Let’s pick something tangible: at a university, there are courses and students. Each student can attend multiple courses, and each course can have multiple students. Additionally, if there are tutors, each student would have only one tutor, but each tutor could oversee multiple students. This is how a simple network of relationships would look.

After this conceptual work, you’ll implement your model in the database, which, at Heisenware—unlike with most low-code providers—is already part of the platform.

Step 3: Designing the User Interface

In traditional app development, this is the stage where you would create mock-ups—a step you can skip when creating an app without coding! Since you’re working with editors that show you exactly what the user interface will look like, you know right away what you’re getting: WYSIWYG—What You See Is What You Get. So, you’ll create the pages and place key widgets like tables, buttons, and more directly in the editor.

Step 4: Enable integration

If your app needs to interact with other systems, now is the time to configure that interaction. For example, this might mean connecting an existing external database to the app, integrating the app with a web API, or linking it to machine control systems.

A good low-code environment will offer you the option to network your app with various interfaces and data sources. Make sure to check early on if your chosen development environment provides the connectors you need—such as for SQL databases, XML files, or integration through MQTT or OPC-UA interfaces.

Step 5: Building the application logic

Since you’ve already considered the data sources to be integrated, you’ve made an important contribution to the application logic. Now, you need to think about how this data will be processed and stored, and how to represent it in the user interface, which you can now refine accordingly.

Step 6: Managing access

Next, consider how future users will access the app—is it publicly available, or should users be required to register and log in with a password? In our solution, the admin can also send targeted invite links to selected users, who then choose their own passwords. This way, you can always control who has access to the app.

Step 7: Testing phase

We recommend that when creating apps without programming knowledge, you test your application on the platform after each work step. If you haven’t done this during the previous steps, now is definitely the time for at least one trial run. Even if the final data sources are not yet available, you can test the app with simulated data if the platform allows it.

Step 8: Deployment & continue testing, testing, testing

You can now deploy the app and test it under real conditions. Your users can also try out whether the underlying concept of the app works in reality. If it can be improved, you can further adjust, optimize, and test the application again.

Once the app is functioning well, it’s time to roll it out across your company. If necessary, you should provide training to colleagues on how to use the new application.

For deployment as well as long-term operation, the app must of course be maintained and further developed. The right provider will be there to support you with hosting, providing the appropriate environment for the app's continuity, ensuring maintenance and optimization. Additionally, they will give you the ability to keep the app updated and expanded.

The Advantages & Disadvantages: A Brave New World or Are There Downsides?

Creating an app without the ability to code can be a fantastic way to meaningfully advance digitalization in your company. As our guide has shown, you're dealing with a challenging but certainly manageable task. However, developing an app by yourself isn't always just beneficial.

To help you make the best decision for yourself and your company, let's summarize the pros and cons at a glance:


  • Cost Efficiency: Creating an app using low-code is a great way to obtain a custom application at a low cost. In most cases, it's more economical than relying on external service providers or even hiring new IT specialists and software developers.

  • Necessary Functions: You know best (or will learn as you contemplate the app) which of your processes have potential for digitalization. Consequently, you can tailor your app and its functionalities closely to the needs of your company.

  • Time Investment: The time required to create an app without coding is significantly less than if you were to write the code yourself. After all, you’re using pre-made modules that you can adjust as needed.

  • Functionality: When building apps without coding, you can rely on proven functional modules that do what they are supposed to do and integrate optimally. The risk of errors in the code is almost eliminated.

  • Visualization: In environments for creating apps without coding, you see functions represented as graphical nodes rather than lines of code. This visualization makes handling the app much easier.

  • Autonomy: You have control over the development process and implement it according to your ideas and standards at your own pace. If you want to change something or add a function, you can do so without needing to plan for change orders or coordination loops with external partners.


  • Time Investment: Even when creating an app without coding, you won't escape some time investment and a learning curve. It’s easier and quicker than learning a programming language, but you will still need to familiarize yourself with low-code environments.

  • Complexity: Depending on what you want to achieve with the app and what capabilities it should have, it can become quite complex. Therefore, creating an app without coding, despite all the simplifications, is not necessarily suitable for individuals who are completely clueless about IT.

  • Customizability: Depending on the development environment you choose for the app, there may be limits to how customizable it can be. When creating an app without coding, you work with pre-made, graphically represented code blocks, which naturally cannot accommodate every special case and unique use case. Make sure that you have the option to extend it with pro-code capabilities.

  • Not Suitable for Every Application Area: Generally, creating an app without coding does not fit every use case. For example, if you envision a consumer app that counts steps, tracks fitness training, matches dating profiles, or offers sophisticated gamification, this won't be possible without coding due to the higher demands on user experience (UX).

  • Thorough Preliminary Consideration: This is not really a disadvantage but rather an investment. To successfully create an app without coding, you should think carefully about the underlying logic. Only with a stable conceptual framework will you have a good chance of success.

Our Experience Shows: Creating an app without coding is fundamentally less about the pros and cons and more about whether the concept suits you and your company. It's important that you have the resources and knowledge to ensure careful planning. You should gain a realistic understanding of the possibilities and limitations, as well as have an interest in the learning curve associated with the development process.


Investment or Low Price: How Much Does It Cost to Create Apps Without Coding?

From a business perspective, it's not just the end result—i.e., the app—and the path to it that matter; you also need to know what costs to expect. As vast as the market is, the prices and services behind it are equally diverse and varied.

If you're interested in a low-code solution to create your app without coding, you'll often come across Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) offerings, where the software environment for building apps is hosted online and managed by the respective provider.

We’ve gathered a few factors to help you better estimate what to expect and assist you in selecting the right provider.

  1. Pricing can depend on various factors, such as the number of your apps and their users, or the features offered. It's best to consider in advance what the scaling factor in your app will be and what extension options you might need in the future, as these two factors can lead to increased costs under certain payment models.

  2. One thing to keep an eye on is the included support. A seemingly cheap offer, where you're completely on your own when questions arise because support isn't included in your pricing model, can quickly turn out to be a miscalculation.

  3. Free platforms for creating apps without coding are another option that sounds tempting but will ultimately cost you time and nerves. Support is a foreign concept for most providers, so you should seriously question whether you want to build your business app on such uncertain ground. Additionally, for more advanced features or more users, you may still end up paying extra.

App Without Coding: Who Is It Worth It For? An Industry Overview

By now, you should have a clear understanding of the principles behind creating apps without coding and what to pay attention to. But is this method of app development suitable for the use case you have in mind? We’ve selected some industry-specific examples where the digitization of processes can be a real game changer:

  1. Service sector

    There is still plenty of potential for digitization in this sector, and customers would surely appreciate its realization. Use cases include digital forms instead of paper, customer portals with interactive features for scheduling appointments or asking questions, or guiding users through processes via the app after scanning a QR code.

  2. Manufacturing and machinery

    By monitoring machine and sensor data with smart alerts, you can optimize the maintenance of your equipment. If the machines are already at the customer’s site, they can send you data via the app, which you can use to make further offers. Additionally, gaps between existing systems can be bridged to enable automatic data flow. For example, it might make sense to link Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES).

  3. Craftsmanship

    For craft businesses, it is interesting to track tools, keys, and other operational resources using RFID-based technology, ensuring that toolboxes are always complete and keys are securely stored.

  4. Cross-Industry

    Apps that simplify and digitize administrative processes in the office are exciting for many companies across various industries. Invoice approvals, vacation planning, and time tracking are just a few examples where an app created without coding can offer a quick and smart solution.

Simple Solution for Complex Use Cases: Creating an App Without Coding Makes It Possible

It is often said that there are no simple solutions to difficult problems. However, creating an app without programming can indeed be a straightforward solution for complex use cases. This approach is particularly suitable if you have specific use cases in mind, don’t have an endless budget for external IT service providers, and are eager to learn something new or deepen your skills.

The most important aspect of a successful application for your business is not gamification, flashy graphics, or gimmicks, but rather processes that run more efficiently through digitization and a well-thought-out app logic. Do you see yourself and your needs reflected in this? If so, we would be happy to explain how we can support you with your app project without programming. Feel free to reach out anytime!